If, like many brides, you'd like for your immediate bridal party to do a scenic
photographic tour of Lucca and the walls just after the ceremony, then you'll
appreciate this find. Instead of cursing the cobblestone pavement that you
originally found charming and now are discovering is punishing on your high
heels, stop by a great shoe store on via Filungo called, “Mood”. They
have these beautiful high heeled shoes made with inch thick discs attached
to the bottoms of the soles of the shoe. They allow you to wear heels that
look 4 inches but in fact are only 3 in terms of actual height you need to
balance. In fact to me, when I wear them, it feels like I'm wearing no more
than a comfortable pump. I've been wearing them this entire 2008 season and
have been super comfortable in them. No more back aches or sore knees.